Our Services
Whether dealing with our sales staff, office managers, or the movers themselves, our staff takes the time to understand your unique moving needs. We want you to trust us to move your life without having to deal with the common concerns about moving. With M&M, you get over sixty years of moving experience. We have what it takes to ensure everything goes smoothly, and we take pride in doing a great job for you.

Local Moving
Local Moving means that your new residence will be with-in 90 miles of the original residence, regardless of whether you are moving from one state to another. Please be sure to review the Local Moving Rights & Responsibilites
Similar to most moving companies, M&M bases the estimate for local moves on an hourly rate. The rate varies based on the number of movers and the number of trucks that are required for the job. The time billed will begin when the movers arrive at your home and will end when finished at your new home. Travel time is calculated in to billing time at a double rate. For example, a 30 minute one-way travel time would calculte as one hour of billable time to account for the return trip.
It is easy to be worried about hiring people you do not know to move everything you own. These steps will help you in knowing that the mover your find is reliable and can be trusted to move your belongings.
Talk to people you know for recommendations and warnings.
If you are looking for a mover on the internet, DO NOT use a broker. There are currently laws in place to help protect you when it relates to the movement of household goods. However, these laws do not apply to Household Goods Brokers. Once a broker sell you on using their services, they sell the job to the highest bidder, and they are no longer responsible to you. Brokers are not licensed to do the actual moves, and with a broker, you will never know who is going to help you on moving day or even if they are going to show up at all. They also can end up charging you more than what the broker advised in the first place. Always ask if you are using a broker.
Spend some time talking with each moving company it's a good sign if they take the time to understand your moving needs. Ask questions. If the company representative isn't friendly and helpful on the phone, call someone else.
Some moving companies will try to bait you with a low hourly rate. This is common with non-professional, non-licensed movers. A professional, licensed moving company is sure to perform your move more efficiently and protect your belongings. This is ultimately what saves you money.
On occasion, no matter how careful a moving company is, an item may be damaged. This is why you always want to understand a company's claims policy. Be sure to ask about insurance and what types of coverage options you have.
Verify that the moving company is insured.
Verify that the moving company is licensed and regulated. You can inquire from state agencies that regulate transportation services, or look in the phone book under a Public Utility Commission (PUC) or Department of Transportation (DOT). You can also search the DOT website. Also, here is a direct link to the DOT Website page for M & Moving & Storage.
If you choose to hire professional movers, you should discuss any potential cost concerns with your moving specialist. Like other industries, most moving companies have a sliding scale of prices that reflect supply and demand on a particular day. Generally, summer months, Saturdays, and the beginning and end of each month are the busiest periods. If you can be flexible with your move date, it will help ensure you get the best value. Additionally, professional movers will take the time to provide you with advice about other cost-saving measures.
Having your friends move you in a rented truck may seem to be the lowest cost option, but it can end up being just as costly and cause you further delays. Injuries, helpers who back out at the last minute, damages, and other uncertainties can make it a very stressful moving day. There are also many other costs that are not considered when renting a truck. Cost of fuel, hotel cost if multiple days are required, food cost, damage to belongings, and injuries are just a few of these. If you ask those who have moved themselves and those who have hired movers their preference, and most will tell you to hire the movers. If you choose the right moving company, you will be happy you did.
All local moves are regulated by your state's Department of Transportation (DOT) or the Public Utilities Conference (PUC). Be sure to check with these regulators and ask your mover for a pamphlet on your Rights and Responsibilities.
Long Distance Moving
Long Distance Moving means that your new residence will be more than 90 miles of the original residence, regardless of whether you are moving from one state to another or not. Please also be sure to review the Long Distance Moving Rights & Responsibilites.
Reputable moving companies use a base rate book published by the Household Goods Carriers Bureau. The book, Tariff 400-M, provides estimates for all long distance moving transactions based on the weight of your belongings and on the distance they are shipped, plus the amount of packing and other services that you require. The actual final weight of your items used to determine the billed amount is measured on an actual scale for the moving truck. Before the move, the weight of the truck without your goods is measured. This is called "tare weight." The scales are usually located at truck stops. You are allowed to accompany the driver to the scale during the weigh-in to ensure that everything is in order.
It is easy to be worried about hiring people you do not know to move everything you own. These steps will help you in knowing that the mover your find is reliable and can be trusted to move your belongings.
Talk to people you know for recommendations and warnings.
If you are looking for a mover on the internet, DO NOT use a broker. There are currently laws in place to help protect you when it relates to the movement of household goods. However, these laws do not apply to Household Goods Brokers. Once a broker sells you on using their services, they sell the job to the highest bidder, and they are no longer responsible to you. Brokers are not licensed to do the actual moves, and with a broker, you will never know who is going to help you on moving day or even if they are going to show up at all. They also can end up charging you more than what the broker advised in the first place. Always ask if you are using a broker.
Spend some time talking with each moving company it's a good sign if they take the time to understand your moving needs. Ask questions. If the company representative isn't friendly and helpful on the phone, call someone else.
Some moving companies will try to bait you with a low quote. If the price seems to good to be true, it probably is. Because most honest professional movers are competitive, their prices will differ, but generally within by a reasonable amount. There are many rogue movers that use extremely low estimates to push you to their service, then will scam you once they have all of your household goods. If a mover provides you with an estimate well below the others, this should be a warning that you should understand the basis for the difference before accepting it.
On occasion, no matter how careful a moving company is, an item may be damaged. This is why you always want to understand a company's claims policy. Be sure to ask about insurance and what types of coverage options you have.
Verify that the moving company is insured.
Verify that the moving company is licensed and regulated. An interstate moving company must be licensed with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). A moving company with a proper license is subject to all of the consumer and other regulations administered by the DOT. Call the moving company and ask for their DOT number. Verify the DOT number at the DOT website. Also, here is a direct link to the DOT Website page for M & Moving & Storage.
If you get a message: “No record found, please try different search parameters. This moving company is not licensed and it is highly recommended you do not use their services.
In the next screen: Click on HTML and then check under the column "Authority Type" to make sure your moving company has at least "Common" marked as active. The columns "Application Pending" or "Revocation Pending" should say "NO" for common authority. Otherwise, you should be aware that something might be wrong.
Check the columns for “Property” check under “Household Goods” and make sure they are marked YES. If they are marked NO, the company does not have the authority to move your personal belongings.
Then scroll down to “Insurance Type” to make sure your moving company has the insurance required for moving companies. A long distance moving company is required to have BIPD ($750,000 minimum) and cargo insurance filed with the FMCSA, so if your moving company does not have either one of these insurances, you should be looking for a different moving company.
One final way to check your moving company is to call the FMCSA's Safety Violation and Consumer Complaints hotline at 888-368-7238 and ask about the complaint history of your moving company.
If you choose to hire professional movers, you should discuss any potential cost concerns with your moving specialist. Like other industries, most moving companies have a sliding scale of prices that reflect supply and demand on a particular day. Generally, summer months, Saturdays, and the beginning and end of each month are the busiest periods. If you can be flexible with your move date, it will help ensure you get the best value. Additionally, professional movers will take the time to provide you with advice about other cost-saving measures.
Having your friends move you in a rented truck may seem to be the lowest cost option, but it can end up being just as costly and cause you further delays. Injuries, helpers who back out at the last minute, damages, and other uncertainties can make it a very stressful moving day. There are also many other costs that are not considered when renting a truck. Cost of fuel, hotel cost if multiple days are required, food cost, damage to belongings, and injuries are just a few of these. If you ask those who have moved themselves and those who have hired movers their preference, and most will tell you to hire the movers. If you choose the right moving company, you will be happy you did.
If you are moving from one state to another, you should read and understand all of the information you will receive from your mover. In addition to brochures explaining their various services, interstate moving companies are required by law to give you a copy of a consumer booklet titled Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move and information regarding the mover's required participation in a Dispute Settlement (Arbitration) Program.
All rates and charges that will apply
The mover's liability for your belongings
Estimate requirements
How pickup and delivery will work
What insurance protection you have

Storage Services
Don't risk your belongings to exposure to humidity.
Our warehouse is the perfect temporary home while you are waiting for your new home to be ready. When we move your belongings, each item is carefully wrapped and padded to better protect it during the moving process. If you choose to place your belongings in a self-storage unit, you run a greater risk of damage once your items are unwrapped. Let us store your belongings in our climate and humidity-controlled, military-approved warehouse and remain wrapped and protected from uncertainty.
All of your belongings will remained padded and wrapped for the duration of loading, storage, and unloading. Upon arrival to our warehouse, they will be crated for further protection. Once you are ready to move to your permanent home, just give us a call to schedule delivery of your belongings.
With the first humidity-controlled facitlity in the area and the added protection of one handler, you can rest assured that your belongings will be returned just as you left them.
Packing & Unpacking
These days it is more and more difficult to find packing supplies to meet your needs. Also, do you really want to trust your belongings to used or inadequate materials?
At M&M, we offer high-quality materials that fit all types of packing needs...from small book boxes to large wardrobe boxes to packing paper and so much more. Package deals for packing materials are also available.
We also offer packing services for those who wish to have their move completely serviced with the most minimal effort. Ask your representative for more details.